The Wisdom Bundle

$644 ($98 Savings)

The Wisdom Bundle package is designed to provide a comprehensive exploration of your astrological profile.

With this package, you'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your life's purpose with our 3-session savings.

What to Expect for Each Session

In the first session, "Who are you?" we dive into your Natal Chart, analyzing planetary placements that shape your emotions, relationships, and childhood experiences, offering you profound insights into your personal history.

In the second session, "What are you supposed to be doing?" we delve into career and soul mission markers in your chart, helping you align with your purpose and find a fulfilling career path.

Finally, in the third session, "What do you need in a relationship?" we examine relationship markers in your chart to decode recurring dynamics in your current and past relationships, offering guidance on compatible partners, improving existing relationships, and breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve you.