How a Chiron transit feels: When Chiron, the Wounded Healer transits one of your personal planets or points, you can expect to do some healing. You may notice that old wounds that you thought you’d healed seem to open up again.

 That’s because Chiron transits are meant to help you identify places in your life where you’re still feeling victimized, and to help resolve any old traumas that are keeping you from evolving.  

 You may begin to notice relationships and situations arrive in your life that feel painful, but that ultimately allow you to see the connection between the current pain and similar pain from your history. These connections will show you where you may have splintered off parts of your consciousness, as a defense to the pain. 

 Better understanding of the suffering you’ve endured in your life helps you develop a tenderness toward yourself, healing you on a deep level, allowing for more enjoyment of your life. The lessons you learn during a Chiron transit are powerful enough for you to use to help others to heal too!

How to handle your Chiron transit:

·be aware that any grief or sadness you’re currently experiencing are probably linked to unresolved suffering from the past

·dedicate yourself to a healing path, it will help you feel stronger in the present

·work to identify and process present pain 

· do some release work around your old stories where you were cast as the victim

·be kind to the parts of yourself that are most vulnerable

· seek others (friends and professionals) to help you heal, you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) try to do it alone 

Which planet in your chart is experiencing a Chiron transit? Take the information above and apply it to the information below to help you understand some of the themes you can expect to be working with this year.

Chiron transit to the Ascendant and Descendant →

Your Ascendant (or Rising) is going through a change:

· your first impression on others

· the bouncer at the door (of you)

· your boundaries / defense mechanisms

· your appearance

· your self-presentation (the way you want people to see you)

· the mask you wear

Your Descendant is going through a change:

· the qualities that you look for in others, to “complete yourself" 

 · the version of yourself you show in relationships

· your relationship values

· the territory of your intimate partnerships

· partnerships of all kinds: business and pleasure 

Chiron transit to Ceres →

Your Ceres is going through a change:

· If you look at your life as if it’s a garden, how well are you tending it?

· the way you relate to the world through your felt senses

· your relationship to food, eating right for your body

· a time to re-mother yourself, supplying yourself with nurturing your own mother was unable to give you

· money, handling your finances

· may represent seasonal or cyclical changes in your life

· teaching those you tend to, how to care for themselves

· physical security and safety

· physical care of babies and children, and your own Inner Child

Chiron transit to Chiron →

Your Chiron is going through a change:

· the “unfair pain”, or the pain that makes you feel victimized

· the time is right to work on healing 

· a time of spiritual evolution

· the ability to see your current wounds as a reflection of a larger problem

· identifying where parts of you splintered off over the years, and working to reassemble those pieces and become whole again

· your process of becoming whole

· accelerated evolution, because you’re taking all of yourself along  

Chiron transit to Juno →

Your Juno is going through a change:

· the archetypal Wife or Spouse

· marriage and long-term, committed relationship

· things you need to work on to bring more equality, fairness to your partnerships (personal and business)

· what you look for (now) in a committed partnership (personal and business)

· the environment you bring to a committed partnership (personal and personal)

· your inner matriarch

· your style and objective as a social leader, networker, matchmaker

· "schmoozing" and political alignments

Chiron transit to Jupiter →

Your Jupiter is going through a change:

· the kind of travel you’re attracted to

· your desire to learn about other cultures, belief systems and philosophies

· the seeker in you, the one who’s always looking for the bigger picture

· your inner teacher and inspiring public speaker

· the side of you that looks for growth & expansion

· your joy, people and traditions that delight you

· your self-confidence and sense of humor

· the ways that you interpret and perceive “the truth”, your objective truth

· luck & opportunity

Chiron transit to Mars →

Your Mars is going through a change: 

· your inner hero, warrior and leader

· your approach to athletics and exercising your physical body

· your assertion of your boundaries

· your force, drive, motivation, vitality

· your level of competitiveness, your drive to win at all costs

· how you access your anger, and react to the anger of others

· masculine gender identity

· your libido

· your life-force energy

Chiron transit to Midheaven and Nadir →

Your Midheaven is going through a change:

· the face you show in public, your “professional personality”

· your career or business face

· your reputation

· being out in the world, making money, supporting yourself

· your ambitions and aspirations

· your professional career goals

· your relationship to authority (including bosses, mentors and societal rules) 

Your Nadir is going through a change:

· the version of you that comes out at home, around your family

· your deep inner self, your emotional landscape

· your home, both physical and conceptual, your nest

· your heritage, your roots, ancestral healing 

· your feelings of belonging

· your relationship to security (do you feel safe? do you not?)

Chiron transit to Mercury → 

Your Mercury is going through a change:

· the way you process information

· your thinking and reasoning style

· the ways you like to learn, the ways you learn the best 

· your communication style

· communication themes; talking, listening and writing

· paying attention to the details

· your source of ideas and method of generating them

Chiron transit to Moon →

Your Moon is going through a change: 

· your inner child

· your emotional expression; good moods vs bad moods

· how you handle your challenging feelings

· your relationship to your mother

· the ways in which you mother others

· what you need to feel safe, secure & well taken-care-of

· feelings of belonging

· home, family, domestic life

· your heritage, roots or ancestry 

· your private side or inner life

Chiron transit to Neptune →

Your Neptune is going through a change:

· your intuition and gut feelings 

· your creativity and imagination

· your relationship to the Divine

· your esoteric or metaphysical curiosities 

· your spiritual or otherworldly side

· your sensitivity & compassion

· your ability to manifest

· tendencies to detach from your problems 

Chiron transit to the Nodes of the Moon →

Your North Node is going through a change: 

· the path of your soul evolution

· the things your soul wants to learn in this lifetime 

· that which is the scariest, but also the most gratifying when you actually do it

· new, risky territory that is quite out of your comfort zone 

· your life purposes

· the path or direction of your future 

Your South Node is going through a change: 

· the past life experiences you are drawing on 

· old, familiar territory, "home turf"

· your "comfort zone"

· the direction your soul is headed away from in this life

· the behaviors you fall back into when you’re under stress

· things you need to let go of

· your past (including past lives)

Chiron transit to Pallas Athene →

Your Pallas Athene is going through a change:

· the strategic, skilled, intelligent warrior in you

· your defenses or your armor 

· the strategies you use to effect change

· the Father's Daughter who wants approval

· autonomy & independence

· companionship with the opposite sex, as opposed to relationship

· how you balance your strength & softness

· turning your strength into solid and consistent personal power

Chiron transit to Pluto →

Your Pluto is going through a change:

· your path to psychological transformation

· things in your life that require a process of death and rebirth

· change and transformation

· things you’ve kept hidden or secret 

· obsessions, compulsions, addictions 

· the subtle (and destructive) ways you maintain control

· the ways you manipulate your environment and the people in it

· your distortions, and 

Chiron transit to Saturn →

Your Saturn is going through a change:

· your relationship to your father, boss, coach, mentor, teacher

· the ways you either follow or do not follow laws and rules

· your self-discipline 

· the expectations you have for others

· your career or reputation

· your urge to generate security

· your ambition and your goals

· your relationship to time

· your ways of creating structure and order

Chiron transit to Sun →

Your Sun is going through a change:

· the descriptions and concepts you use to identify yourself 

· the structures of your ego- who you take yourself to be 

· your center; the clearest, cleanest version of you

· the way you express your creativity 

· the way you self-express

· the part of you that wants to be seen, to shine and receive attention

Chiron transit to Uranus →

Your Uranus is going through a change: 

· the rebel or revolutionary in you

· your experimental side, the part of you that likes to be different 

· your inner the political activist, or part of you that wants to create social change

· your friendships, the groups you identify as being part of, “your people”

· your inner crazy genius, the ways you express and use your brilliant intelligence

· how you respond to new (startling) ideas and innovation

Chiron transit to Venus →

 Your Venus is going through a change:

· the way you attract attention

· your romantic, erotic side, flirtatious side

· your intimate relationships, especially romantic ones

· the ways you seek comfort, or allow yourself to self-indulge

· your relationship to pleasure

· what you look for in a partner

· the ways you express your feminine gender identity

· love of others/self-love/self-worth

Chiron transit to Vesta →

Your Vesta is going through a change:

· your capacity to dedicate your attention to yourself 

· the devotion to a higher purpose

· a need to truly focus on something

· sacred space for channeling powerful energy

· sacrifices you feel called to make, to achieve a goal

· a call to “build a temple” wherever Vesta is in your chart

· liberated sexuality, sexual healing or a transitional partner

· being both "relational" (seeking partnership) and a "virgin goddess” (complete unto yourself)